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Caregiver Support Teleconnection Events Dementia, Stigma and Caregiving

Dementia, Stigma and Caregiving

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Currently, there are over 6.2 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease, yet many caregivers do not talk about it or even admit their loved one has it. Why is there so much stigma? How can we stop the stigma so that others will get the help they need as caregivers of someone living with dementia? Join Dr. Oliver as she discusses why it’s important to share what you are going through as a caregiver and how you can talk to others about it.


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Dr. Natalee Oliver, DSW
Dr. Natalee Oliver, DSW is a clinical social worker and gerontologist who teaches full-time at Tarleton State University’s Waco campus in the School of Social Work. She is also an adjunct professor at McLennan Community College in the Nursing Home Administration program. Advocating for those affected by Alzheimer’s disease is a passion of hers and she has volunteered with the Alzheimer’s Association in many capacities since 2007.

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