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Caregiver Support Teleconnection Events Communicating with Health Care Providers in the Office

Communicating with Health Care Providers in the Office

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Effective communication with healthcare providers is essential for the health of care receivers. The family caregiver needs to ensure that the time in often short office visits is used wisely. Learn tools to focus on medical issues while building effective partnerships with healthcare providers.


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Zanda Hilger, LPC
As an independent contractor since 1998, Zanda Hilger has managed caregiver education and support services for 20 years through North Central Texas Area Agency on Aging and Dallas Area Agency on Aging. In the last few years, she primarily has focused on online services, including Caregiver Teleconnection, biweekly e-newsletters, website, and social media. She is a licensed professional counselor, was caregiver for her mother, and is currently a caregiver helping her husband.

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